Thursday, November 21, 2013

A Very Close Race

Wow, you all are quite impressive. It is such a close race and these past weeks have been no different! As a battalion, we have logged
 25,002.63 miles

As for the companies, Alpha is in 1st place but Weapons Company has made a huge leap and is not far behind Alpha! Quite impressive! I will let the numbers speak for themselves.
Company Totals:

1st Place: Alpha 6317.34 miles
2nd Place: Weapons 5480.28 miles
3rd Place: Charlie 4939.68 miles
4th Place: H &S 4793.18 miles
5th Place: Bravo 3472.15 miles

Here are the miles logged for Nov. 1st-14th for each company.

Alpha: 1444.5 miles
Bravo: 988.59 miles
Charlie 1495.89 miles
Weapons: 2655.49 miles
H&S: 1155.60 miles
I have a feeling this next round will be who gets to Afghanistan first which is 7,200 miles! Remember, the company who "wins" is the company who makes it to Afghanistan & Back which is 14,400 miles. Keep up the amazing work and keep sending us your pictures! We love to hear from you!

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